The Specter Family Blog

Matt -- Steph -- Faith -- Mari -- Robby -- Hannah -- Salsa -- and........

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pics from Faith's First Day at Kindergarten (III - make sure you scroll down for the rest)

We went right over to G and Z's to eat lunch (G. D. joined us too!)

Celebration cupcakes!

Pics from Faith's First Day at Kindergarten (II)

Faith at top of steps on bus.

Faith on bus (front window - you only see back of her head).

Bus coming back in afternoon!

Faith coming down the bus steps!

Faith's brother and sisters missed her a lot while she was gone!

Pics from Faith's First Day at Kindergarten! (part I)

Faith on front porch.

Faith and Mari on front porch.

All 4 kids on front porch. (Obviously I should've given them sunglasses!)

Sisterly love (ha, ha) at the bus stop!

Faith climbing up the bus stairs!