The Specter Family Blog

Matt -- Steph -- Faith -- Mari -- Robby -- Hannah -- Salsa -- and........

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Arches - Matt

We're here in Williams and the internet least for now. I can't believe that I haven't been able to do a real post since before seems like a lifetime ago. It's hard at this point to even go back and remember my thoughts...we've seen and done so much. I plan to stay up a little later tonight and work on posting some pictures. If you didn't know, in addition to the wildly unreliable wifi access at the various RV parks, my computer's wireless card went dead in Moab and so now, in order to post pics, I have to transfer them from my computer to Steph's via thumb drive. So, it's been really annoying. Anyway, here's MY short take on the recent events:
Arches - Arches is great because it gives you a chance to really immerse yourself in the landscape, even if you're not all that outdoorsy. There are plenty of easy to moderate walks that let you get up close and into the formations and arches. I always had this idea that the arches you saw were far away and off limits, but no, you can go right under them if you are willing to make the hike.
We started off at "Park Avenue" - about a mile or so hike into a canyon with steep walls and fascinating formations on both sides. A great way to really lose yourself in the fantastic surroundings right off the bat. AND, if you get there early enough, the sun isn't high enough yet to beat down into the canyon, so most of the walk was not hot at all.
Then a quick walk around Balanced of those "this can't be natural" formations with a seemingly larger rock perched precariously atop a smaller one - looks like it could crumble at any moment.
Then Steph and I got the gumption to walk up to North and South Windows arches - the ones that were visible from our campground! Only a half-mile, but all uphill and steps. We were both pretty winded by the time we got up, but how cool it was to rest right under the arches! Well worth the effort.
Then, a rather frantic picnic lunch in the van, and driving to some more sights - we just don't have the energy to do much more than 2 big walks in a day, and the girls get pretty antsy by then too. Arches is a small park, but you can see how it would be possible to spend several days there, even for wimpy hikers like us!


Matt and Steph in Park Avenue

Matt in Park Avenue

Matt relaxing under one of the Windows arches, with Turret Arch in the background.

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