The Specter Family Blog

Matt -- Steph -- Faith -- Mari -- Robby -- Hannah -- Salsa -- and........

Monday, December 22, 2008


All is well. Sort of.

Well, Steph is doing fine. Mari of course chose the day after Steph's surgery to catch a stomach bug, and couldn't even keep water down for 24 hours. But she's fine now too. I'm fine. And thanks to the incredible help we've been getting from the whole family, the house is in great shape and ready for guests on Christmas.

So yeah, all is well.

Steph is drugged up but slowly attmepting to decrease her dosage - she's ready to choose an increase in discomfort over a drug-induced haze 24/7. And she really really is finding it difficult to not lift the babies at all as instructed. But we've both heard enough horror stories about people who DIDN'T take it easy following this procedure that we're going to be extra EXtra careful.

Not much else to say. Wrapping is all done. We're ready for Christmas here. Bring it on.


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