The Specter Family Blog

Matt -- Steph -- Faith -- Mari -- Robby -- Hannah -- Salsa -- and........

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mini vacation is winding up

So, I'm sure the big question is whether we miss the kids at all or are just living it up all week.


Yeah, of course we miss the kids. But I'd be lying if I told you I'm walking around miserable and aching for them to get back. It's been nice. We've gotten all the wrapping done. We've kept the house in nice condition. We've gotten all the laundry done and kept doing it. We got a chance to walk around IKEA. I've been able to sleep in a little in the mornings, since I'm only responsible for myself. The babies have seemed to enjoy it too. It's been like a mini-vacation.

Come Saturday I will be glad to see them, because they're my kids, they're fun to be around, they're hilarious sometimes, and I love 'em. But I certainly liked NOT having them around for awhile as well. Steph and I are both sad to have missed their first time at Disney, but there have been and will be lots of other firsts and amazing memories to share. At the end of the day, it pretty much comes down to "Thanks Mom and Dad for doing this."

Okay, I need to finish getting ready for our 3g play. More soon!


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