Wow, what a day. The schedule below is normal for the first day of an RV trip - but that doesn't make it easier.
--> To bed at 11 PM the night before - with the alarm set for 3AM (more on that later). Can't sleep. On the computer until 12:30 and then still can't get to sleep. Guinnie is panting in my ear and Arthur wants to walk on my head. Finally to sleep around 1.
The alarm goes off at 3AM so I head out to the RV to start the generator so that the refrigerator can get cold. No need to start the Air Conditioning because the night was cool. FYI - the 'fridge in an RV works differently from a residential unit and takes a while to get cool.
Karen's alarm goes off at 5. Oh well, who needs sleep anyway.
Matt shows up at 6:45 and we start loading the cold and frozen food. Much to my surprise, everything fits.
Steph shows up with Faith and Mari at 7:45, and we load up the final stuff by 8:15. It takes us 15-20 minutes to hook the car up to the tow-bar and we roll away at 8:35. This is a really great accomplishment to be able to leave that early. Matt, Steph and Karen did a great job getting organized and ready.
The drive was uneventful (the best type) except for some detours and construction delays.
We pulled into the RV park about 3:45 (St. Louis time) much to my relief. I am exhausted.
Tomorrow will be an even longer drive, but we are off to a good start.
More tomorrow!!!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago