We did go to the baseball game (sorry Dave, got your comment too late).
This went pretty well. Mari was bored but I wouldn't have normally taken her yet anyway - Faith did pretty well for about 3 innings then needed a lot of refocusing, which is to be expected. Face it - baseball is not an exciting game - it's all about nuance and as a family we never got involved enough to appreciate it - although I can say that watching minor league ball (at the lowest level) helps you appreciate the difficulty because they do NOT make it look easy. ANYWAY - Faith was able to understand some of the basics and enjoyed watching the scoreboard to tell us the count. And both girls liked that they could eat at the game. We left after the 7th inning before things got too dramatic. Don't know who won.
A happy start:

Centene Stadium - they do like their baseball out here:

Faith's first stadium food:

Almost time to go home:

Faith's attitude by the end of our stay (also note the local TV affiliate's camera in the background)

This is all the pics for now, we'll be leaving for Yellowstone soon. I will post more tonight now that I know how to do it.
Hope all is well at home.