Anyway, it references that tomorrow I have to go back to work. Really a weird feeling...I haven't been there since May 1...a lifetime ago. Haven't had more than 3 uninterrupted hours of sleep in two and a half weeks, and yet I'm going back to work.
And also, don't get me wrong, I'm not really's the last week of school...I'm not exactly going to be pulling out all the stops here, but still, to exist on an actual schedule and above all, to be away from the family for an entire day is going to just feel really really strange.
But, it's only for 4 days, and then I plan to celebrate like it's the last day of school. Yeah, I will have only worked 5 days in May, but still. I think I've earned it.
Took some great pics today, the best of which is right here:
And that's the photo I'll be using at work when people ask for pictures.
Had a nice time at G and Z's today - nice gathering for the holiday with the extended friends and family. Planned on taking some pics but never ended up getting the cameras out. I can see already that this is going to be a major issue for us.
Added a few extra vids since last post - I'm trying to run in a sort of a cycle of adding a vid from the 07 trip, a vid of another trip, a vid of the 03 trip, and a general family event vid. So, having added Day 1 of the 07 trip a while back, I added Day 1 of the 03 trip. Wow, do Steph and I look different. Also added Faith's birth video - sort of the one that proved that videos with background music would become the primary means of recording family events and wasn't just a fluke with the giant 03 Road Trip movie. Some really bad audio splicing in this one, but it wasn't my fault - there was a frustrating glitch in the editing software I was using. No one cares but me if you can hear the cuts in the music anyway.
Anyhoo...I'm not taking the time today to post these vids directly to the blog. If you want to revisit old times, go ahead and click the YouTube link over there on the right.
God bless...