It's 6am local time and the old body clock is at work. I'm up before anyone else. It doesn't help that this far north the sun comes up pretty stinkin' early too. Actually, I like it. Reminds me of our trip to Mackinaw.
Yesterday morning I jogged around the Sioux City campground a few times - this is causing me problems now. At home on the treadmill I go slower but with more incline. Outside, at an RV park, things are pretty flat, so I had to increase my speed more than I am used to. Outside there's also no such thing as TemperShock Cushioning. Parts of my legs really hurt and are hard to move. Getting through the badlands today will require a strong dose of Ibu.
Random thoughts not covered in the last few posts.
Peoria is bigger than I thought.
Iowa has very cool and unique place names. Driving through the midwest can be pretty dull in that respect. So many recycled or plain old boring town names. But Iowa towns are like highway DIBELS nonsense words (shout out to my elementary education peeps).
The girls are really being challenging. Steph and I are trying so hard to not be harping on them, and to give them chances to succeed but they're just really pushing things and forcing our hands. I hope they can find their travel groove here soon.
People might be starting to wake up soon. Gotta go.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago