It's weird to think that the last time Matt posted before today, I wasn't even pregnant yet! Wow. Rollercoaster doesn't even begin to say what all has gone on since then! I'll give what I'd call the "Matt Version" (meaning: less is more):
End of Aug -- started school, got pregnant
Early Sept -- put our condo on the real estate market
Mid Sept -- found out we were expecting twins!
Immediately -- lowered the price on our condo
Early Jan -- found out we are expecting a girl and a boy
Always -- Steph's belly grows exponentially
Always -- we do what we can to help Steph's family get the "new" house ready
Late March -- we move in to the "new" house (Steph is 32 wks pregnant)
Thurs. April 10 -- Steph is admitted to hospital due to low amniotic fluid, sent home next day and is put on modified bedrest
Mon. April 14 -- Steph is admitted to hospital due to irregular, but strong contractions -- it is too early for the babies to be born at their most healthy, so Steph is sent home on a drug to keep the contractions away.
Now -- the contraction drug is finished and the babies are sitting tight for the time being
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago