Hello all, long time no post. Actually I was hoping more people had thoughts on the YouTube thing, but I guess that's just me.
Sooo...took the trailer out for the first time - went really well. Too crazy with all the kids to really get any pics...sorry. But we had a nice weekend at the Cross Creek Camping Resort north of Columbus. They do a whole Halloween celebration, so the kids got to go trick or treating around the RV park and then later, got to go on a tractor ride around the park. Everything was all decorated and decked out, really cool.
No major trailer issues - well...the grey tank and black tank were mislabeled. That COULD have been bad, but it didn't cause a problem. And there appears to be a small leak under the bathroom wall...but everything is still covered, so our friends at Holman are taking care of it all.
We're taking our chances and hoping to take it out one more time before it freezes and we need to get it winterized. Pray that there is no hard freeze before mid-November.
Driving the Suburban while towing that beast is not as bad as I thought...still pretty tough to judge where the back of it is, but if it's at all crowded on the highways, I just don't pass anyone. I'm getting the hang of turns, too. Backing up I have not tried yet. We'll work on that sometime...
Meanwhile...Tooks has been sick. Missed preschool all this week. We think she's getting better, but her stomach bug is hanging on for a long time. Slow mover. So far, no one else has caught it, and we are hoping like hades that it stays that way. Faith is a lot tougher patient than Mari.
Nothing exciting this time, sorry guys. I'm also still holding off on talking about the 2009 trip because...things are unsure there now. We'll keep you informed.
Steph's turn to post next. Maybe she can talk about the big wedding preparations.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago