Hey, I post when I can. I wish I had the time, energy, writing ability, and self-discipline to keep up on this thing, but I do my best.
Been a while, huh? Well, let's sum up. Robby is crawling. Hannah screams a lot and appears to be thinking about crawling, but would much rather be held all the time. Mari has a double ear infection and we have just realized that at least part of her inability to follow directions is hopefully related to horribly clogged ears. Tubes may be in the future - we don't want that, but if it explains at least some of her behaviors, bring the tubes please. Faith is frighteningly intelligent but would be content to rot her brain watching My Little Pony until her eyes fall out.
If I sound somewhat abrasive, it's because we took the trailer out for a test run over Spring Break. I spent basically 48 hours with various combinations of Faith and Mari, being the sole parent. It rained. We had nowhere to go and we had already been together nonstop for most of a week. We got sick of each other. There was much yelling, frustration, crying, whining, and unhappiness. But we survived and I'm recovering from it...and so are the girls.
In work news, I am WAY behind getting the 2nd and 1st grade plays ready. This is a result of me not yet realizing that if I don't compartmentalize ALL of my life, I simply can not keep up with everything. I'm working on it. I will do better. I could skate by before and everything would still get done and get done well. No more. Pulled in too many directions.
Beyond that, life as normal. Lots of birthdays coming up, and the light of summer is starting to illuminate the tunnel a little bit.
Thanks all for not giving up on us. More...whenever. Don't hold your breath...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago