The following is an email Steph sent me this morning - I thought it made for as good a blog post as any I could have typed up:
Well, all 4 of my children are in school at the moment for the first time!
:-) :-(
Mommy did fine -- I really didn't even tear up too much. It was nice to be able to stay for a few minutes after they got settled in to their classrooms to kinda "sneakily" watch them and snap some more pics while they weren't watching.
Mari, of course, barely even remembered to give me a hug and went right in, found her name tag and got on with playing with My Little Ponies. No problems.
The twins were so cute with putting their bags and lunch boxes in their cubbies. Robby went right in, no problems, all smiles. Found his name tag right away w/ out help (big surprise -- picture him saying, "A B C C's!!!!" then got to work on a puzzle. Hannah went in, but gave Mrs. O'Brien her shy but if you don't know her well it seems nasty kinda look -- classic Hannah! Hannah found her name tag by herself as well. Had to be convinced a little more to start a puzzle. I went to see how Mari was doing (great of course) and then went back to look at the twins and I hear, "Hannah, we're all sitting at the table right now! Hannah! Can you come sit at the table with us? Thank you, great job!" Yeah. I believe Hannah will be the one with the biggest learning curve! :-)
So, all is well! I'll post/send pics later.
So, here are some pics:
Good morning!

Ready to go...but where's Hannah?

Grumpy as usual.

Nothing a little tickle can't cure...

More pics coming in a moment...