Well, the kitchen just got a lot more crowded, and mealtime just got a lot more complicated. Two highchairs, two babies, two bibs, two bowls of rice cereal for the first time.
Pretty typical. Both were interested. Very interested. In fact they both kind of went crosseyed trying to focus on the spoon as it got closer to their mouths. Spit most of it back out, but definitely were trying to eat and were not unhappy at all. A good beginning. But I have to say that I find the thought of mealtime now a little stressful. Oh well...I hardly notice the logistics necessary to get them both to bed any more...I'm sure it will only be a matter of time until the insanity becomes routine. Took the usual video, and we'll post it as soon as we're able.
Meanwhile, got observed at work today. Was really stressed out about it, too. I mean, it's always a little intimidating when the boss stops by to watch you work, but this time was particularly unnerving for some reason...not sure why. Makes me wonder...maybe people from other walks of life can answer this question: I know that just about everybody goes through 'employee reviews' and whatnot as part of their job...but how many other jobs are there where your boss just comes in and sits there and watches just you doing what you do, taking notes all the time? I'm trying to picture in a corporate setting the boss just plopping down in someone's cubicle and in effect saying "Don't mind me, just keep doing what you're doing" and then watching them like a hawk for 45 minutes. I don't think it works that way.
Anyway, it went well. Kids behaved, lesson didn't flop. Nice to have that off my shoulders for the time being.
That's all for now. Again, end of next week I hope to have a lot of time for video work and hopefully some of the fruits of that will be manifest here on the blog.
P.S. I know that at least one person just discovered the blog for the first time. Hi, Mrs. H, nice of you to stop by. Literally!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago