Well, we survived Matt's first week back. Not really that bad, to be honest. I had LOTS of help from my wonderful in-laws. Had a dr's appt so they watched the kids Tues morning during that. Faith and Mari had their preschool orientations on Wed and Thurs mornings so they watched the other 3 during that. Aunt S/P and I took the 4 kids to Coney Island on Fri. Fri night, my mom and dad took the two big girls overnight which they LOVED. Yesterday morning, while the big girls were still at the grandparents', Matt and I (well...mostly Matt) worked on organizing the remaining boxes/bins in the garage and worked on the storage room in the basement. Also went grocery shopping.
I started an (additional) new job this week. I'm going to be working for a HUGE, multi-national corporation. One of this company's areas is customer management. I'm going to be an at-home call center agent, taking inbound sales calls for infomercials. Should be interesting. I'll be working in our "home office" (read: basement)on Sat and Sun mornings from 6-2:30. So I'm in the middle of training right now. The training is done via conference call and virtual classrm. Been pretty interesting so far, really. I'm NOT a fan of conference calls and can not imagine what it would be like to have ADD and have to be a part of a conference call. Phew. So I'm sure you'll hear more about this in the future!
I have my teacher inservices this Thurs and Fri, students come the following Tues (Sept 2). Again, the adventure of teaching 4th grade will begin this school year.
Hannah is consistently sucking her left thumb now. The past week or so when we put her down for "tummy time", not too far in to it she finds her thumb and promptly goes to sleep. We really thought she'd only do it while on her tummy but I walked in this morning to get her and Robby up, and she was on her back of course, and she was sucking her thumb! Of course, this has its pros and cons. Pro is that she always has it with her and can soothe herself. Con is that it'll be more difficult to break her of it, as we see with her big sister Faith. Robby desperately wants to suck his thumb, we think, but just can't grasp the coordination of it. So he just chews on his fists.
Well, I have to go get ready for my Usborne Books party. I have a very sorry attendance of 2 (MAYBE 3) people and they're both my very best friends. Sigh. Oh well. Maybe I'll get 1 or 2 free books from it!
More to come on the big girls starting preschool -- Mari for the first time!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago