Lest anyone think I'm going to sit around and eat bonbons all day...
Saturday I mowed and trimmed the lawn and then did the same for the friend of a friend of a friend...picking up a few bucks along the way, continued to work with mom on removing the paint from the front porch posts to be repainted, worked with grandpa on an outdoor house project (me using mortar?) and took a couple loads of stuff over to the church rummage sale.
Sunday I assigned the girls to straighten up the living room and the twins' room, and I tackled the horrors of the storage room. You can now walk all the way back without having to leap over carseats and preschool Spanish visual aids. Still not 'organized' but it is at least visually acceptable. Also worked with Steph on sanding, washing, and priming Hannah's toddler bed (yes, it is long past time they get out of the cribs), and had a wonderful date night with my beautiful wife. Got back from that, made a breakfast casserole for the Memorial Day Brunch at Ma and Pa's, and went to bed.
Today, had some continued success with Robby and potty training in the morning, had a nice brunch, played in the backyard with the kids (although not too long - hot and humid), came home, set the girls to clean the basement, Steph put the first coat on the bed, managed to knock the desktop CPU tower over which hosed the hard drive, dad came over, we took it apart, scratched our heads, put it back together and then somehow it worked again...played with the kids, took them for a walk (or a bike and a scoot more accurately) changed the sheets on the beds (a real challenge in the girls' room with the bunk beds and the small library of books and toys that became buried in there. Then, went through my closet and, since I have kept the weight off for over 2 years now, set aside more than HALF my clothes to donate to the rummage sale.
All while Hannah has been fighting a nasty fever.
And I'm sure I missed something.
So basically, I am channeling my energy into the house and kids and I feel great doing it. Have a lot of plans and things to work on tomorrow, and I'm excited to get to them all.
I am blessed with a wonderful family. I have no right to complain about anything right now.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago