The job search train is departing once again, and I've got a ticket to ride.
It's early, just barely February, but my attempts to land a full-time teaching job have already led to results. I have a screening interview with a school district in Tucson, AZ on Monday - my first interview of the 2012 season. I'm a little rusty on my responses but I will spend some time over the weekend studying up on the standard interview questions so I can represent myself well.
This feels really good. Yes of course it's just a screener, but getting the word on this one provided a ray of hope I haven't felt in a long while. I hope it leads to something, but even if it doesn't, it means I'm still in the game. And being able to daydream about a concrete future for the first time in months feels really good too.
This of course also raises all the old stresses about moving, but things are different this year. There is an urgency to the situation - we have more freedom to leave, and less freedom to wait. And so, big choices may be on the horizon in the near future...and if and when things get that far, we ask for your prayers to help us discern the right direction to go.
All aboard...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago