The big days have come and gone. Everything went very well. The twins especially seemed to love all their new toys. It was so nice to be able to stay at home all day on Christmas. I had trouble this year getting the Christmas feeling, but I feel good knowing that it certainly felt like Christmas on Christmas day.
It was a very good Christmas and Took Birthday season.
No big snow yet here...I have a feeling there won't be one this year...but Steph has pointed out that I say that every year. Good point.
Nice to have another year of a decent amount of time after Christmas before going back. 2012 will bite - the 2nd is a Monday so we'll start back right away and have a full week, I'm sure. Not fun. But, for this year, we have until the 4th which still seems far enough away that we don't have to think about it yet.
Happy Holidays all!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago