Here's a little hint of what's to come. I managed to throw together the first part of the Louisville video. It's really short, it's just the drive down there, it's certainly not my best work or anything. But it proves that I can still find the time to edit video with 4 kids. It also turned out to be one of those 'look how far things have come' moments. Allow me to explain:
Choosing the music for these videos is sometimes clear as day - I know even when I'm filming exactly what music is going to be perfect. Sometimes it's really tough to find something that fits. Sometimes I go through 2-3 different ideas until I find one that works. And sometimes, it's a total intuition...somehow I just pull up a file that had never crossed my mind and it just works.
5 years ago, when I was putting together the first road trip video, the one that started it all, I was looking for music for the beginning of the drive, Day 1 of this amazing trip we had taken, and somehow I thought of "Take it to the Limit" by the Eagles. I'm not even a huge Eagles fan, and back then I probably couldn't have recited half the lyrics. But I stuck it in there and it worked like a charm. And in a lot of ways, if I hadn't gotten that music right, there wouldn't have been the drive to finish the rest of the thing.
And just today, as I was sitting thinking of music for this short little video of driving to Louisville with our family of 6, something led me back to the Eagles, and this time I pulled up "Take it Easy" and lo and behold, one or two splices and it was done.
I think it's meaningful that both of these 'beginnnings' were one of those intuitive selections. I think it's meaningful that I was drawn to the same band. And I think it shows the change in attitude in my life in the last 5 years...from "Take it to the Limit" to "Take it Easy".
5 years. Wow. Seems like a lifetime ago, but amazingly, 5 years ago, there was no Robby, no Hannah, no Mari, no Faith. Just 5 years. Amazing.
What will the next 5 years bring? We all hope you stick around to find out.
Oh, here's the vid - it uses the "overlay" function that I first used on Day 3 of the big 2007 trip...gimmicky, but effective. I promise I will use it sparingly. Enjoy.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago