Here's my random unsolicited advice, based on what we've learned from this round of attempting to lose weight:
* Hunger is just a sensation. You don't necessarily have to do anything about it. If you can mentally accept the fact that you are hungry and still get on with your life, that's half the battle.
* Stuff your face with healthy food. I now make ridiculous quantites of vegetables at dinner, just so that I have something to eat a lot of. I also LOVE a good salad bar.
* Recognize your weakest time of day, and if possible, put yourself in a situation where you won't crack. This is a problem for me, because my danger time is late afternoon, and most of the time, I'm cooking dinner then. It's just so easy for me to do a little too much "Quality Control" while I cook. I'm trying to fight it by having my tall glass of Crystal Light handy and just drinking when I'm hungry. It's a poor substitute but it at least gives me an active thing to do when the temptation hits. Back in 2003 and 2004 when I had gotten my weight way down to 190 or so, I solved this problem by working out at the gym during the late afternoon - no danger of snacking there. I don't have that option now, so I need to do the best I can.
* Allow yourself a meal off...and do it often enough that the foods you're missing don't take on a glowing mystical ethereal mythos. It helps keep it real. Cake is just cake (or in my case a giant burrito is just a giant burrito). If you've been sitting around pining for it, for heaven's sake, go eat it and get back on track tomorrow. It helps to be good now knowing that the thing you REALLY want isn't months away.
* Set yourself up a rewards plan and stick to it. Make the first few goals easily attainable, and tougher and tougher and with bigger and better payoffs as you work your way down. And I know they say you shouldn't use food as a reward, but look. Use what will work for you. If the thought of a feast that will make you gain 2 pounds is enough motivation for you to lose 10're still coming out ahead. Be honest with yourself and what will motivate you, and go for it.
* Find a way to exercise consistently, and do it no matter how crazy it seems. We spent the money on a decent treadmill and it's been worth every penny. And I get up before 5 just about every morning because that's the only time when I can absolutely control my environment. No kids, no anything. Just me and that damn treadmill.
* If you're not used to exercising - don't expect much from yourself. You're probably going to have a tough time for a while. Just try to go a little longer every day. Every little bit helps. You'll build muscles and endurance. It might get harder before it gets easier. Don't quit. It's okay that you suck at exercising. Give yourself a chance to get better.
* Let yourself be a little narcissistic - if you start to notice that you actually ARE looking better, or people start to comment that you're losing weight, ENJOY IT!!! We fatties spend our whole lives de-emphasizing physical appearance...but we're allowed to be proud of ourselves when we get a little less grotesque.
I dunno - this is what is working for me. Depending on when you start counting, I've lost about 30 pounds. I've got a long way to go still, but if I can do it at this time in my life, nothing is impossible.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago