Seriously, we need date night more often.
Just got back from an evening in Columbus - went to a wedding and reception of an old friend of Steph's. We left the twins with Grandma D and hauled off for the overnight. It was so nice to only have to pack for 2 and to not have to feed anyone but ourselves at the reception. And to be able to just be with each other.
We always talk big about setting up nights out more often but it never seems to happen. We really need to try.
We miss the big's been nice getting work done, and I won't lie and say that I've missed them every minute, but it's starting to feel not quite right around here. I'll be glad to see them again and interact with them.
Starting to put plans together for school. Looking forward to the point in time a month or so from now when going to work feels normal again. It's just the transition that bites.
Anyway, check back for more news of Kindergarten and the like.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago