I hate coming up with titles (and subject lines for emails).
So, I took Hannah and Robby for their 1 month well-child pediatrician visit last Wed. They are both very healthy and look great. They also, apparently, are growing like weeds! Hannah is now 9lbs, 11oz and Robby is 10 lbs, 8oz! Now, I checked and Mari was like 11 lbs, some odd oz at 1 month but still. Oh and the most exciting part for the VERY vertically challenged Durkee-Specters -- Robby's height is in the 80th percentile with his weight in the same! Two good things -- to be in the 80th percentile for height for us is purely a miracle (the pedi once told me that Matt and I are each in like the 35th percentile for adults for height...) and to have it match up with the weight? Even better!
Now, Grandpa D is enormously tall for our families -- a good 6 ft. Average for most, gigantic for us. We have all reason to believe so far that Robby might break through the curse and be taller than 5'9"! I know, I know! He's only 6 wks old and ANYthing can happen. But, we take what we can get!
That's it for now. Off to feed the twins! Steph
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago