Had a very nice weekend, puke notwithstanding. It looks like the weather is finally going to break by the end of the week and we could have temperatures low enough to warrant time spent outside intentionally again. And we can start shutting off the air in the evenings too...maybe. Gonna have to anyway what with our outrageous utility bill last month. Not pretty at all.
Money is tight. So tight that we had to face the reality and ditch our planned weekend trip to our favorite local RV park in September. There's just no way we can swing that. While it's no fun to make the 'grown-up' decision, it does feel good to do the right thing.
In work news, nothing to report. Tomorrow starts the first full week of teaching. I can't even call it a 'real week' yet, as I still am starting off with doing my first day stuff to the classes I haven't seen yet. But when I do finally get to the end of this week, it will actually be a small accomplishment, and I will almost be able to say that I'm back in the groove.
In other news, uploaded some recent travel vids to youtube - first new ones in a while, so check them out here: Now, 'recent' in my eyes is less than a year old...this is from Spring Break last year - still, pretty good. I am now almost ready to tackle the big travel trio from summer 2010 - Hilton Head, Pittsburgh, and Michigan. Stay tuned.
A lot of colleagues start their teaching year this week. Good luck everyone.
Stay tuned for news from Faith's first days of first grade!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago