Another good day yesterday!
Took the kids down to the beach in the morning - Robby was having a tough time, he might be getting sick again. Had no patience for anything. But...with the wind and the waves even his screaming gets drowned out about 20 feet away so we didn't mind. Robby and Hannah definitely like playing in the sand more than being in the ocean. That's good because it lets us split up...and even leave them alone for a moment or two if necessary. They're so good. The first thing I do is dig a big hole and that's where they sit and are happy to sit for hours on end. Meanwhile, Faith is completely trustworthy to go sit out in the shallower water and chill. Mari just keeps moving back and forth and that's good for her.
At one point yesterday I even was able to comfortably watch all 4 kids while Steph went to go do another activity at the pool. No problem.
Now, at the pool is another story. Robby and Hannah are comPLETEly unpredictable. One day they're both happy, the next day they're both freaked out - and it can change randomly at any moment. They need constant attention and we don't always have the help available because the girle aren't completely independent in the pool either. So we don't go unless everyone's there.
All that said it's still being a good time. I've gotten to the point where I hardly notice the mess of work necessary to get them out the door. You just do it.
In other news, Steph and I DID get our hoped-for anniversary dinner last night, just like last year, at Charlie's Etoile Verte. I can't tell you how good this meal was. Literally, the second-best meal of my life. It has moved ahead of my meal at Emeril's in Orlando. It was religious. Now, part of this might be that we've been trying so hard to cut costs at home that we've been eating what the kids eat half the time...but no, the food was that good too.
For our appetizer we had a 'salad' of avocado, lump crab, tomatoes and remoulade sauce. Oh, the flavor explosion! The first bite I tasted as far down my body as my shoulder blades. Steph said she felt it in her knees. I can still taste it. For an entree, I had blackened Mahi and Steph had wild sockeye salmon with basil pesto. I am telling you, every bite I took, it spread a warm happy feeling in my mouth and then I could feel it travel down to my soul and spread throughout the universe. Every bite was a prayer. The fish was a gift from God. Every bite, I would swallow...and wait...and then sigh a contented sigh as peace flooded through all. It was amazing. And then, if the fish brought peace, the strawberry cobbler brought joy. I took one bite and literally dropped my fork. Strawberries don't taste like this unless they've been touched by the hand of God. I mean, layer upon layer of flavor unfolding in your mouth like a taste kaleidoscope...all in a microsecond.
If you're ever here on Hilton Head, and you have a lot of money to throw around, make a reservation at Charlie's Etoile Verte.
I had planned to bring the camera and take pics from Charlie's but forgot. Sorry. Just have to use your imagination.
Anyway, gotta go. Keep checking in - more pics will be taken today.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago