Okay, so I'm a day late posting...
Wow, amazing that they've been around a whole year. Funny to scroll back and look at the posts from just before they came and the first few days after. Funny how it used to seem like a huge hassle to change 2 diapers.
Their personalities are really showing - Hannah is looking like Faith Jr. in a lot of ways - she's the talker. Robby is his own guy - both of them seem to be more extroverted and happy than either Faith or Mari - they laugh more often and with more abandon than the older girls did. It's especially cute when they make each other laugh.
I feel bad that I haven't gotten nearly the amount of video of their first year as I would have liked...but I also know that I've done my best. Trying to not beat myself up over it too much...and in the meantime trying to get the darn camera out more often.
Oh well...
Today we're going to the old condo for the last time to clear out the last few odds and ends...closing is next week. Bittersweet....but mostly sweet.
Gotta run - thanks for stopping by!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago