Okay, so.
Hannah has an ear infection and possibly a sinus infection. Mom has a stomach/flu bug. The bakery up the street is literally closed the whole time we're here. You can't buy tequila without a trip to Gatlinburg which is messing with my chicken marinade recipe. Today was cold and rainy. All in all, this has the makings of a major disaster. We've been here for 2 whole days and basically have done nothing but sit in the trailer, drive to meals (which in all fairness have been amazing) and drive to get groceries or take Hannah to the medical clinic. Mom doesn't look to be getting any better.
Maintaining a positive attitude out of sheer stubbornness. Still nice to be with the family...even if the big girls are whining, Hannah is screaming, and Bud has turned into a little devil. Still better than the last couple weeks at home.
Keep us in your prayers.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago