Except for a 15 min crying jab at the very beginning of the night last night (which was easily squelched by a few minutes of rocking) from Robby, the twins slept through to each 3 hour feeding time -- granted, they are still waking up pretty much like clockwork to each 3 hr feeding time. But, it's sloooooowwwwly starting to stetch to 3 hrs (as opposed to 2 or 2 1/2) at night. AND...as my mom and I discussed, most IMPORTANTLY, they are going back to sleep after eating which is wonderful.
Big milestone today, though. I was able to get down on my hands and knees to pick up some stuff that had fallen under the kitchen table. This is HUGE for me. I really don't think I have been able to do that since probably last Christmas time. I remember back in early January of this year, when I was about halfway through the pregnancy, and I hosted a dinner for my pokeno group. It totally wiped me out and I could barely stand up at the end of it. It has been at least that long since I could stand for any longish time period. Also, today I was able to put my wedding band back on AND I have ankles now! It is SO nice to not feel 95 years old anymore!!!
Oh and Faith's last day of 3 yr old preschool was today. I can not believe it. She will start 4 yr old preschool in the Fall and MARI (my BABY) will start 2 yr old preschool! Enough, though. We have ALL summer to enjoy before that!
Tomorrow morning we haul all 6 of us out to have a photo session. This was a baby shower gift from my 3 WONDERFUL girlfriends BS, KL & AMW. I am excited about it but very nervous. Will the girls smile? Will they tear each other's hair out? Will they throw fits at being bored? Will the babies scream the whole time or open their eyes at all? And, will Matt and I cry? We shall see... I'm off to watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. Whoo hoo!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago