So, here we are. As Matt said, a bit more time on our hands now. As I write this, Matt is laying on the floor of our hotel suite. Mari is in her diaper (between clothes and pj's) and is climbing on him. Now she's bouncing on his head and giving him "blasters" (aka: zerberts) on his arm. Faith is in her inbetween clothes and pj's stage and is using her toy vet kit to check out the wooden ducky. Oh the hotel life!
So, yeah. Amarillo (which means "yellow" in Spanish if you didn't already know, but they don't pronounce it with the Spanish pronunciation here) isn't bad at all. We've had good meals today. We don't mind staying here. Good hotel rooms and things to do.
The biggest drawback is that my parents (aka: Gamma and Gammpa Durkee) are leaving on a two week trip of a lifetime out west/northwest on Thurs. morning. We were pretty much going to have one chance to see them before they left after not having seen them for over three weeks. Let's face it, THEY were going to have one chance to see the girls. Not that I don't think they love Matt and me too, but I am keenly aware that if it just involved us, they'd be sad but not that sad. Since it means they can't see their girls, it's extra sadness. Sigh. We all feel badly about this... We promised them a full day of us once they arrive home. Who WOULDN'T enjoy a full day of us? :-)
OK. It's time to finish putting on the pj's and read books and drink milk. I'm sure you'll be hearing more from us soon!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago