Much better night last night. Matt had the "bookend shifts" (meaning, the 1st and 3rd) for the babies last night. I made him promise that he'd sleep if he had the chance instead of just waiting up on the computer or wherever just listening for the babies. He agreed and followed through. Hannah was awake for a good deal of the 1st shift. Fed them around 1am and then went "on duty". Woke up to Robby crying around 3:20. Not bad at all in my opinion. Fed them and then they slept until like 7am. I'll take it.
We both feel better this morning.
Came home from Matt's parents' house late yesterday afternoon to find water in the laundry room (the basement is finished [with BRAND new carpet by the way] except for the laundry room). My mom, who is my great-aunt's power of attorney/financial person, had just had the cracks in the laundry room sealed up with some epoxy something or other. Yeah, one of the sections was leaking. Thank God for warranties, huh? Even more frustrating, though, because we had thought it was fixed, first of all, and second of all, the dryer is finally getting fixed (as I type this) and we thought we'd finally be able to start organizing our laundry room -- pretty key in a 6 person family. So, we wait, again, to get the epoxy guys back out to repair the leak that wasn't supposed to happen. Ugh.
Speaking of leaks...yesterday I thought maybe I had a small infected spot in my c-section incision. My WONDERFUL OB, Dr. F, was able to fit me in. As it turns out, my incision looked great but he's concerned that I have a what seems to be an infection in my belly. It's all hard and warm. I truly had just thought that that was an after-affect of being so ginormous for so long with the twins. Not so much. So, I'm on a hard-core antibiotic (Keflex) -- 4x a day for 10 days. Sheesh. Have to go back to Dr. F to recheck on Tues. I'm glad my incision is good (it FREAKS me out, frankly, to even have that incision) but frustrated that my belly is taking its time to recover. Oh well. Healing takes time, right?
Speaking of more leaks, Faith had some sort of stomach bug yesterday and threw up twice. Nice. She seems to feel better today. Let's PRAY that Mari, or worse the babies, don't get it.
So, those are all my thoughts for now. I am totally amazed that there are only essentially 2 more weeks of school left (at both Matt's and my schools). This school year has FLOWN by like nothing else, for the most part. I just can't believe it.
Ok. Really, guys, please leave a comment (if you can get it to work) or a poll opinion! Matt doesn't ask for much. He just wants to know that people are reading!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago