...until my sister's wedding! I can't believe it's finally pretty much here! Rehearsal & dinner are Thurs night, Fri night is Halloween and Sat night is the wedding! I'm pretty excited but pretty nervous about the logistics of getting ourselves, not to mention our 4 kids, everywhere we need to be on the big day! I think if we make it through to the other side of this we deserve a big, fat vacation. Sigh. I'll just take a good outcome from the election a few days after the wedding.
ANYway, Robby's second tooth popped out a few days after the first. As I type this, it's 6:45am and he's awake in his crib and has been for about an hour or so. Pretty unusual for him, so I'm guessing his mouth is not feeling great.
Hannah FINALLY rolled over recently (from tummy to back) but only twice so far. She really could care less about rolling over. However, she cries less and less during tummy time, so that's good.
They both continue to gobble up the barley cereal. Matt's pretty much in charge of this and it's cute to watch him set up. In our tiny little kitchen he puts the two high chairs right next to each other and sets up his chair in front of the two, facing them. He makes one big bowl of cereal for the both of them. Gives Robby two bites for every one of Hannah's. Robby fusses in between each bite as if he's mad that Matt can't get it in fast enough. Pretty cute. I think we'll try baby oatmeal and then I'm thinking of moving on to veggies maybe next week. I'm sincerely considering making some or all of my own pureed baby food. I need to get Matt to get the food processor out of the garage!
The two big girls are doing well. Faith has her "letter of the week" program at school. They work on a letter each week and her homework is to cut out 3 pictures of things that begin with that letter. She also practices writing that letter and can bring in something for show and tell that begins with the letter. She loves doing this homework and it's fun for Matt and me to watch her little brain working in this way.
Mari continues to be stubborn, stubborn, stubborn about potty training. WE happen to think that developmentally, she's totally ready. However she either can't remember or won't remember to tell us that she has to go #2 BEFORE she does it. A recent phenomenon, though, is that she goes off by herself in a corner or a dark room to do it. Very interesting. So we're trying to watch for that to get her to use the potty before it happens. I keep reminding myself that Faith wasn't REALLY potty trained until right after her 3rd bday and Mari won't be 3 until December. But Matt thinks (and I agree) Mari is ready and showing signs. So I think after the wedding we'll work on it a little more closely.
Other than all that :-) things are pretty normal here. Pray for us this week -- we're nervous about the details and I'm nervous that Faith and Mari "flower girls" make it down the church aisle without body checking each other on the way.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago