It's been a pretty long time since I've posted! It's been a pretty tumultuous 4-5 months for me, though, as I've been trying to decide what path to take with my career. While I absolutely love almost all aspects of the school I've been teaching part-time in for 5 years, I was aware of the fact that the schedule was going to be changing in such a way that it would make me be home even less with my young, but growing WAY too quickly, kids.
The point of my going to a part-time job in the first place was to be able to be home more with the kids. So I started exploring my options. To make a very long story short, I have taken a position as a Spanish teacher with a small company that contracts to preschools to teach Spanish. I am SO excited about this new venture! I will pretty much be able to make my own schedule, within certain parameters. Better yet, I will be able to put my weekly hours in to 3 or so days a week as opposed to having to spread them out amongst 5. So I'll have 2 to 2 1/2 whole days off per week with the kids.
This coming school year is Faith's last when she'll be home for even part of the day (half-day kindergarten). It might be the last year that the twins are home all day. Our preschool has a 2 year old class (we're not sure if we'll send them at 2 yrs old or wait until they're 3). I am painfully aware of just how fast "it" really does go and want to enjoy this while I can.
My amazing colleagues at my, now former, school who took time off from their careers to stay home while their children were young have all told me that I will not regret it. All I know is that I am so sad to be leaving my friends but that I didn't feel one single ounce of regret as I was telling everyone yesterday.
I truly feel very much at peace with my decision. The new job is a pay cut for sure (at I was only working 35% of full time at my old school in the first place) but Matt and I feel we are aware of all of the repercusions of this and have a solid plan.
For now, though, it's on to VBS and on to preparing for our great trips!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago