The holidays inch ever closer, and we still haven't started wrapping yet. I'm hoping to start tonight, but I'm doing the single dad thing tonight, so when it's all said and done I might be too tired to do anything. I think the trick is to get the wrapping supplies all organized and ready in the afternoon, so it's all there and in place when I need to start.
Trouble is, dad is hopefully coming over to help with the lights. Been trying to put the dang lights up for a week now, too. But our house is seemingly designed to resist all attempts at decoration and cheer. There's no place to attach anything. And I have an awful feeling that once we get it all up it's going to look bad, since dad and I are not the best at anything either mechanical, crafty, or visually artistic. But at least we will have tried.
And then the other trouble is that I have brass quintet rehearsal tonight at church. Yeah...I think I'm going to be way too tired to wrap tonight. *Sigh*
In the meantime, school plods on. Kinda fun time of year, doing holiday songs in class and whatnot, but on these days when I do different lessons with "12 Days of Christmas" in 3 different it's hard on the old voice.
Not much else to say - things will be interesting soon when Steph has her surgery and is out of commission for a few days. I'm not even ready to really think about that yet.
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by (the handful of you who still read it).
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago