Steph has set up her and my facebook account so that blog posts automatically go there. I do sincerely thank her for that, it will probably bring slightly more traffic here. She also went in an answered some friend requests which had been sitting idle in my unused account for months. So I think I ought to restate briefly my facebook rant.
* I don't do facebook. I set up an account long ago to see what it was about and wasn't interested. I maintain my account because it's a good way to alert people about interesting stuff on the blog, especially when we're travelling. The blog is my primary means of disseminating info.
* If you tried to friend me and I never responded, don't take it personally. It doesn't mean I don't like you. It probably means I'd rather be your 'real' friend than your facebook friend. I think being a real friend is more meaningful. Send me an email, give me a call. Phones do still make calls, don't they?
* As mentioned above, any recent activity on my facebook account was undertaken by Steph and does not indicate a sudden conversion to the facebook nation. Again, not interested.
* For those who would like to know or need a review on WHY I don't do facebook, go to the blog, in the upper left corner, search 'facebook' and you will get the entire history of my thoughts on the matter.
* The entire history of our family travels is available at our Youtube page.
Hope all is well in your world, and God bless.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago