Spent last weekend at the Dayton Tall Timbers KOA for one of their Halloween-themed weekends. We have been doing this the last few years at the Cross Creek Camping Resort north of Columbus, but for various reasons couldn't make their weekend. We had stayed at the Dayton KOA before, so we knew it was very nice. We had a really good weekend.
The twins were really cute trick-or-treating for the first time - although Hannah had some trouble with the idea. You see, Hannah's favorite thing in the world to do right now is to take things out of one container and put them in another. She will sit and do this for an hour if we let her. So, here she is, walking around with a brightly colored pumpkin-shaped container, and she goes up to someone holding a bowl full of candy. So...of course she wants to put ALL that candy into her container. Which...looks really bad if you don't know the whole backstory. So we had to keep telling her to only take one, and man did she look offended. Never got upset, because there was always another bowl right ahead, but she definitely was confused why we were killing her fun. I mean, she would have put them all back eventually! Anyway, they both did fine, although Robby did get pretty scared by some of the more gruesomely decorated sites.
It was of course the anniversary of the last RV Halloween weekend, which ended at Columbus Children's Hospital with Robby's epic croup case. But no major illness this year. I did get laryngitis again just like last year, but this is simply an annoyance. (I still don't have my voice completely back, for the record. I can talk fine, but I still can't demonstrate singing voice for my students.)
When we got back, plop, right into the stress pan. (I know that's not a real expression but I just made it up and I like it a lot) It's been said that the human mind can only think about a certain number of things at once, without something dropping out. I can feel this when there is so much going on in my life that I get overwhelmed...and then I just take care of ONE thing, and all of a sudden everything seems clear. Well, this week I got a different end of this. I had about 7 things to think about and worry about and then I got an additional really big dose of bad news...and I discovered that I had absolutely no where else to put it. So it sat there, piled on top of my worries, but not really being dealt with.
The bad news actually went away very quickly on its own, so all is fine now...but it was an odd sensation.
The next 2-3 weeks are a grind. I'll check in when I can. Stay sane (or just sane enough)...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago