Steph and I got to have our belated anniversary dinner last night - went to Charlie's Etoile Verte and it was wonderful. Aside from the great food, had some nice conversation about our lives and our relationship. Not something we get to do on a regular basis, but it's so important to take time to look at the big picture whenever you can. Life is good.
Our video situation on the other hand is not so good. Our digital camera died on the beach this evening. Now, this thing is old. It's like carrying around a Sony Walkman when the rest of the world has iPod nanos. It's big, clunky, and you can't do much with it. But it's worked well for us and served us for many years. Got online and checked, and the lowest-rung digital cameras out there are twice the megapixels of this one. It's time. I'll be making a run to the mainland tomorrow morning to rectify the situation.
The camcorder also is having more trouble - but did enough tinkering to find out it's just the battery. Sadly, the battery we need is almost as much as the camera we'll have to get, but still I think we can avoid purchasing a whole new camcorder.
All this means that posting pics has been problematic - which is too bad because I have a TON of great ones - hopefully I'll get some up tomorrow.
So long all!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago