Last night went pretty well. Both twins slept from the time of the post until almost 1, then after their feeding, both slept until about 3:30 something. After that Robby was not ready to go back down and had to be comforted until about 5 or so.
So I am getting small chunks of about 1-2 hours of sleep 1-2 times a night. Enough to keep me from going totally loony, but the pace IS starting to catch up with me during the day.
This blog has become a bit of a comforting thing to do during the first part of the night...allows me to organize my thoughts and process them, which puts me into a better state for the remainder of the night. People keep telling me that lots of people are checking in and reading the blog, but no one ever comments on anything (well, almost no one, thanks mu and AC). You all realize that there's a little envelope icon down at the end of each post? Click on that after a post you particularly like or dislike and leave me a note. It'd be nice to know that this isn't just a personal diary disappearing into the ether.
To quote a line from this year's first grade play, "People, people, I'm falling apart here!" Well, maybe not that bad, but some responses would be nice. C'mon - I've got newborn twins and I'm finding time to do this blog - drop me a line.
In other news, I may possibly be having a trip to plan again. An awful lot of speculation and ifs, but since the big Specter reunion in Cleveland has fizzled, Dad is looking at other options. Small options to be sure, but a very low-key, week or so escape to the Smokies and possibly some other Tennessee city (Chattanooga is looking very nice) sounds like a lot of fun. An awful lot has to happen to make it all come together, not the least of which is us feeling like the twins will be on some kind of regular schedule by around July, and that we'll be feeling ready to take on that kind of a challenge. But the idea of researching another trip (if I can find the time to do it) is a bright ray of sunshine.
So, I'm off to grab an hour or so of sleep. Good night all - see you in the morning.
P.S. Doctor's visit went fine, Steph can fill in the details later. I'm going to bug her to post tomorrow.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago