First off, sorry for the long time between posts. Combination of the usual business, some additional tiredness, and the fact that I can't log in from work any more.
Spent the weekend in Columbus for our new traditional early-October end-of-camping-season stay at the Cross Creek Camping Resort. Nice place although it's moving down the list...another story.
Anyway...spent the weekend there, but spent most of Sunday at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus.
Let's see. Going back to last week. First Mari had crazy bad fever, enough to make us think "OH1N1O" if you know what I mean. But, turns out it was just a major case of Croup. So, Robby started having Croup cough before we left, and we got the appropriate meds for it on our way out of town. But Robby just kept getting worse and worse until at about 1:30 Sunday morning we just plunked him in the car and drove to the hospital. Seriously, he was 'retracting' as my mother the nurse pointed out - his chest was caving in with every breath. They took one listen to him there and got us right back into a room and he was admitted a couple hours later. Some more steroids and a couple of breathing treatments later and he was stable...but what a weekend. Meanwhile I came down with laryngitis (sp?) which is just Croup for grown-ups.
I hate Croup. That's what I get for naming my Rock Band 2 band "Croup".
Anyway, we are still recovering - and I didn't even give you the whole story.
Hopefully things will settle down a bit now.
Gotta go - hopefully not so long this time.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago