Robby and Hannah are now sleeping in different cribs. "Scooter McRollover" kept rolling into his sister and kicking her awake, so it was time. Kind of a sad moment...but only for us. They're unaware. Thankfully they sleep so well they don't miss each other when they're put in bed. Mainly, I just think about how tiny they looked when we first put them in there and how far off it seemed when we'd have to use the 2nd crib.
Meanwhile, Robby has a tooth! I haven't seen it yet, but Steph discovered it yesterday. I'm hoping that Hannah gets one soon, because she's started some sudden painful screaming and crying and I hope that's all it is.
Both babies are eating cereal well now...Robby can't eat it fast enough. He kind of spazzes if it takes too long for the next bite to get there. Hannah's eating method is to swallow 2/3 of a spoonful and spit the remainder back out. Kind of frustrating, but she's improving. We're gonna try barley tonight, then soon we'll try oatmeal, and Lord help us, then it will be veggie time. Ch-ching....I can remember with Mari walking down the baby aisle at Kroger and just arm-sweeping massive quantities of food into the bad is it about to get? I don't even like to think about it.
All in all, things are going well. The big wedding continues to gear up, and that will be requiring all our attention in the coming weeks so posting might be a little sparse here pretty soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago