All Louisville videos are now done!
The first one here is from Incredible Dave's - Bowling, Arcades, and Inflatables. I know my hoop skills display is bad, but I did win 100 tickets about an hour after the attempt you see here...
This is video from hanging out in the important and enjoyable part of any vacation with 4 kids 4 and under. No one writes better music for lazing around than Norah Jones.
Videos from playgrounds, parks, and other outside fun. I had originally planned this music for Incredible Dave's, but it fits much better here. I must get more stuff by Ulrich Schnauss.
Okay, funny story about this last one. As I've said, usually I have the idea for the background music of a video as I'm doing it. I like to sync up the transitions with the phrasing of the music if possible and so on. Makes it flow better. Well, this video I was doing was like the 4th one of the day (I had some time to myself while Steph had the girls). And it was the last Louisville video. And I knew it was going to be really short. And I had to leave in like an hour. And I'm starting a lot of sentences with And.
The point is, I was on a roll and in a hurry. I wanted to get it done. So I did something I never do. I just started plopping in video and pictures before I had even thought about the music. Oh, I had some idea that I would use some rather generic piano/guitar nature-y music, but nothing specific in mind. So, I got done, and saw that the total time was like 2:42 or something like that. Then I brought up my iTunes to scroll through my music library. I then noticed for the first time that in addition to being able to sort the library by artist, album, song, genre, can also sort by TIME...totally useless feature, but I thought, why not? So I clicked on the Time tab and scrolled down to the songs that were around 2:42 in length. And I saw the absolutely PERFECT music for the video. Couldn't have been more different from what I had originally intended, but I think you'll agree that this fits the mood much better than any cheesy piano/guitar garbage. =)
Oh, and get a load of Faith saying "Literally" at the end...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago