Something had to be done. All the Anderson people...remember Mr. Kraus? That was happening to me. I had developed a little island of hair that was slowly distancing itself from the mainland. Got really obvious when wet. Anyway, we consulted with a reputable stylist today for the best thing to do and this is what we came up with. It does minimize the effect of the lonely tuft on top. I asked if we should just take the whole tuft right off but we were advised against going to war with my could create a different "situation" she said. Anyway, what's done is done. If the tuft doesn't fall out soon I might have to go Chrome Dome, because this tuft is just silly. I like the new cut fine - I can get used to it - I just wish that my hair would bow out gracefully instead of hanging on in uneven patterns.
Anyway, beyond that, a busy day of trip-prep-shopping. Odds and ends and this and that. Tomorrow the trailer is moving to a closer location and we will be able to pack it whenever we want. Looking forward to it. Had a family meeting today to go over details of the first few days, and we all feel ready to hit the road.
Opinions on the hair are welcome.