Wow, it's been a while.
Christmas went very well. The girls were actually really really good - we had a present-opening procedure for our immediate family in the morning and they followed it very well. And then they were both pretty good at the big family Christmas event, and only started to get squirrely and antsy at the third session in the evening. No real complaints about that. So far, I wouldn't call any gift a total bust - a couple cases of 'you get what you pay for' but even those got one use out of them so it looks like we did really well. Faith actually didn't complain once about not getting everything she asked for...and that surprised me. Good for her. By now there are just a handful of things left that haven't been opened or used yet, and there are plenty of things still around that haven't been used much, so there's still a lot of novelty value to be had.
Overall, a really good break considering the circumstances. Steph is now recovering from surgery quite nicely and is lifting the babies again. Still trying to not push it TOO hard, but it's nice that I don't have to do EVERYTHING any more. I'm proud of us as a family - we really pulled together to make everything work. All the thanks in the world go to the extended family for all their help during the break to keep us all sane - thanks you guys - we couldn't have done it without you.
And so now it's back to work again - time to readjust the old bodies to the daily grind and hammer slowly forward. It's entering into prime snowday season in Cincinnati, but nothing good on the horizon yet.
Sorry so long between posts - there's more to say but that's all for now.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago