Well, I am going to go ahead and say it - planning a 3-week cross country RV excursion with 2 kids is easier than planning a 4-day trip to Louisville with 4 kids.
We're going on our little jaunt in a couple days, and it totally doesn't feel like we have a trip coming up. And it has nothing to do with the location. We're totally excited about this trip, because we're on a mission to make it the cheapest vacation ever. It's just that we haven't been able to do hardly any prep work because we have no time.
It doesn't help that the whole family has high-tailed it to Hilton Head, so there's not even any help we can call in. But, complain as we might, we know there was no way we could go. Hopefully when everyone comes back they'll be nice and rested and offer to take various children for an hour/day/week... =)
So anyway, this blog will again take on the form of a travelogue briefly starting Monday.
This could get interesting...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago