Um, I just jogged on purpose, really for the first time EVER in my life without anyone telling me too. I have memories of being in elementary school and our gym teacher Mr. Baggot (yes, his name got made fun of pretty big time) making us "Run the Mile". I was ALWAYS dead last and ALWAYS walked most of it. I was one of the only kids who didn't get that stupid (and yes I'm reverting back to elementary behavior here) Presidential Fitness award.
Since getting the treadmill on February 18, I have only missed one morning of using it (the night before, Faith had, let's just say, major stomach issues of several types and we had been up quite a bit). Today was the 3rd day in a row that I used one of the 16 pre-installed programs. It's set for 30 mins and I made it 20 mins (the last 10 I kinda set my own, easier incline and speed). But the last 2 of those 20 I had to jog. It was a weird sensation. Hm.
Matt told me yesterday that he's lost about 20 lbs now. Pretty amazing. And I can tell by looking at him now. Pretty cool.
Kids are all doing well. We go Thurs. night for Faith's kindergarten registration. I have very very mixed emotions about this, which I'm sure I'll share more of at a later date. Mari's crazy and fun as ever. She still LOVES preschool and music class. The babies are well, too. They are getting so big -- a few weeks ago at their 9 mo. physical, they were about 21 lbs ea. Hannah's about 4 oz heavier than Robby but is an inch shorter. She's got an adorably fat little belly. Robby is "THIS" close to pulling himself up.
That's all for now. Steph
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago