Lest anyone get the mistaken impression that we only post the happy feelgood stuff on here...
Boy, these kids are a pain sometimes. Faith and Mari can't be in the same room without fighting over the air molecules. Hannah says "Ouch" now if you touch her at all and screams over everything. Faith, when she knows she's done something wrong, now likes to weepily exaggerate what she's done into truly epic proportions and then tries to command the situation by interrupting us and saying what she thinks we're going to say about WHY it was bad - again usually with a keen sense of hyperbole...and incorrectness. Mari has again taken to slamming doors and shouting unintelligibly at us when she gets in trouble, along with attempting to variously run away, hide her face, or every so often, growling. Hannah doesn't understand that there are necessarily some moments at the dinner table when food isn't actually IN your mouth, nor does she understand that her mouth can't hold 2 hot dogs all at once.
Robby...well, actually he's been pretty okay lately.
It's been a rough week behavior wise. Here's hoping things improve.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago