We scored the double overnight - twins with Grandma D, big girls with AS&UG. Which meant that the wild and crazy Specters actually went to 2 social events in one night - unHEARD of.
And then...the next morning, we were able to sleep in until 8:45 or so. No stinking way. Amazing. This helps make up for being awakened 3 times by Faith the night before telling us that she saw scary things with her eyes closed, AND with her eyes opened. Which prompted me to ask her exactly what we were supposed to tell her at that point.
Not to sound callous, it's an ongoing issue. Steph is very good at being comforting yet firm in those situations (and of course they always go to HER side of the bed...) but after the 3rd one I had had enough.
I will be making my yearly awkward and uncomfortable jaunt to OMEA this week - at least it's in town this time around. I will be sure to file a report about how I'm the creepy-looking guy in the general music sessions. No one wants to sit next to me. Well guess what - that's fine by me. I'll be digging out the dark dark music for the iPod to wash off the happy stink. [shudder]
Plans are coming together for the summer - more on that later. We're also starting to think about throwing a decent-sized party for our anniversary this June - being the 10th and all. Even toyed with the idea of trying to get our wedding parties back together. Hmmm...that would require me bringing in people from Cleveland, Las Vegas, the Oklahoma Panhandle...and ironically, the dude who I might have the hardest time finding and convincing to come is the guy who lives here in town. Anyone with contact info for Vic Gaskins...please give me a call.
Thanks all,
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago