I guess if we're going to have a blog, we need to use it. Several times this past week I've sat down to post something, but each time I backed away, thinking I needed to have some amazingly insightful thing to say.
It's a stinking blog. It doesn't need to be deep and profound every time I post. So I am trying to get over myself and just type something. Anything.
So, I'll talk a little about THE TRIP.
The impetus for creating this blog in the first place was the desire to keep family and friends updated on our activities while we go on a major RV trip this summer. Yup. Call to mind all the cliches if you like, but we are willingly piling our 2 daughters (who will be 3 and 1 1/2 at the time) into my dad's RV and taking off with my parents to see some of the wide open spaces of the west. For 3 weeks.
See, now this is my problem. Now I have so many topics I want to write about...the ORIGINAL trip my wife and I took in 2003 which makes the upcoming trip look like a walk down the street, the CANADA trip last summer which was a warm up to this one and included THE DENNY'S INCIDENT, my thoughts on RVs and staying in RV parks, my thoughts on vacationing and socializing with your parents, the incredible joy of trip planning, and why iPods are so great for someone with an unwieldy CD collection.
Well, at least I now have something to write about next time. In the meantime, let's start a tradition of including a tangentially-related link:
There would have been no ORIGINAL trip without this amazing book. If you have any interest in long car trips, getting off the interstates, and the magic of the American road, check this book out - there is nothing else like it.
More later,
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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