HI, all! For some reason, I have hit upon a rare instance, again, of our wi fi connection actually working! So I will try to do a quick post (don't laugh -- I am capable of short ones).
Yesterday (Sat), Matt and I drove in the van w/ the girls to the Grand Canyon. Bob and Karen decided to take the 2.25 hr train ride (too long for the girls -- only 1 hr by car). We met Bob and Karen there and then went up and walked along the rim of the canyon. Pretty freakin' amazing! HUMONGOUS! Ate lunch at the "Arizona Room" right there at the rim. Much more commercial than the other parks, but still not bad w/ the commercialism.
Bob took Faith back on the train and Karen drove back w/ Mari and Matt and me. The 4 of us went up, via Grand Canyon shuttle, to the visitor's center and bookstore (the bookstore was disappointing, by the way -- I had planned to buy a lot of gifts there and bought none). Matt and I walked up to one more different viewpoint of the canyon and then we went home.
Faith survived the train ride w/ Bob very well. We then went up to the Route 66 Historic Loop and drove around and ended up eating Mexican at Pancho McGillicuddy's (funny name). Came home and went to sleep.
Mari slept through the night last night but did wake up at 5:20. Having trouble adjusting to the Pacific Time Zone. Ugh.
Went to a very cool petting zoo this morning. Mari was fearless as usual and Faithy felt brave enough to even feed some of the, very gentle, deer. It was a neat place. Now we're just hanging out. Will probably go swimming later.
Tomorrow is a VERY long drive down to Santa Fe, NM. We are VERY excited about going to this city.
Later. Steph
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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