So, we're back at the RV for naps (hopefully) and laundry. This morning, the girls were up pretty early -- 5:30am. I'm hoping they'll get on the Mountain Time Zone pretty quickly here and "sleep in" at least until like, 6!
ANYway, we woke up to rain and when Matt looked on the National Weather Service website it called for rain all day. Figuring the Denver Zoo plan needed to be postponed, we went for Plan B -- the Denver Children's Museum. Ate breakfast and got the girls dressed. Then Matt and I decided to try out the showers here at the RV park. Matt had peeked in the men's showers yesterday and thought they seemed nice. They definitely were! Clean, big and especially nice and roomy changing area outside the shower! Very nice.
Headed to the museum and met Ivy there. It was a great museum! Pretty typical but also different. Had a play area for younger kids that had some great makebelieve stuff in it (including a vet's office which Faith loved). Had a cool room with all sorts of bubble making things which both girls loved. There was a nice playground outside the museum which we also enjoyed.
Had a quick lunch at McDonald's. Now, as I said, we're attempting naps w/ the girls and Bob is getting some laundry done.
More later, I'm sure!
Love, Steph
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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