Matt said I need to post something. I said I didn't know what to say. He said I need to talk about how I feel. Hm. Yeah, I feel uncomfortable. Really, really uncomfortable. I can only sit for about 15 mins in any one position before I start to hurt somewhere. Lying down? Yeah, I can lay in the bed on my left side. It takes 10 mins to stop hurting once I lay down and then I can only lay for 15 mins before I start hurting again. But it does give my tail bone a rest for a few minutes.
However...there is ONE place that in my mind has rays of light shining down on it from Heaven. Really. And that is the couch in the family room of Matt's parents' house. For some reason, that is THE most comfortable couch ever made and I can sit on it and/or sleep on it for hours at a time and not hurt as much. Sigh. We had to spend the night there for 3 nights (see below) and I ended up sleeping on the couch b/c the guest rm. bed wasn't working for me. Sigh. It totally rocked and I actually got a few 4 hr stretches of sleep at night. It was truly amazing.
So anyway, two more days and Matt gets to start being home with us. There are few things that we benefit from as teachers. Having a huge summer vacation and having holidays off are obvious benefits. But accumulating sick days, and getting to roll over those sick days if you move from one public school to another within the same state is one of the big ones. Matt has like 400 sick days and Batavia is being very generous and letting Matt take a bunch for this whole adventure. Man am I grateful for that!
Since I'm on a gratitude kick, I'm also grateful for Matt's parents who have taken over much of the care of the girls for me when Matt can't be here. I feel bad because they are increasing their naps for sure -- a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old are a lot of work! A huge shot of gratitude also goes out to my wonderful mom who continues to cook for us, clean for us AND entertain the girls for us! Heck, my sister freakin' put away and organized the boxes of pantry stuff in the kitchen that we still hadn't gotten around to. We are very lucky!!!
So, the next week or so will be filled with lots of preparations for sure! We'll do our best to keep posting here and there (we have no idea if anyone is even reading this...) if we have anything interesting to say!
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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