Yeah, Robby started screaming at 9:01 and things just now quieted 12:15. I've got the rest of this shift, until 12:30.
At these times, it is a lot easier on me if I just stay awake. I can handle a night with no sleep a lot better than a night with 1 hour of sleep divided up into 5-minute fragments. So I have time to tool around the internet.
I suppose I've heard stories all my life about the weird connections twins sometimes have...usually it's with identical twins and really, I never thought about it much. But from day 1, when I saw Robby and Hannah lying next to each other in the hospital bassinet, turned towards each other, touching foreheads and seeming oddly calmed by each other's presence...these stories starting popping up in my head, and I've been watching the two of them with a different eye, looking for other signs of these mysterious bonds.
What I can tell you is this - at night, it's almost uncanny. First of all, Robby may be screaming his head off like a banshee for over an hour (our attempts to comfort him are doing less and less) and she doesn't move a muscle or wake up the littlest bit. And then when he finally calms down, it's like a switch, and you can hear Hannah start stirring. I know this just sounds like a 'newborn twins sleep problem' horror story, but it's eerie. It's almost like the sound of Robby NOT screaming is more disturbing to Hannah than the screaming itself.
Who knows? But we will for sure be keeping our eyes open for more of these weird connections. Anyone out there who knows if fraternal twins have been reported to have these connections, too, please feel free to leave a comment.
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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