Last day of work.
It's a good time to revisit my philosophy on the whole "Teachers get the whole summer off" argument. I can't stand it when I see my fellow teacher friends desperately trying to justify to non-teachers why we deserve the whole summer off, how hard teaching is, how much work we really need to do in the summer, blah blah blah. So here's how I maturely handle it when someone makes some kind of derisive comment about getting summers off, and it's a response I highly recommend to all my fellow teachers:
Live it up, fellow teachers - those infidels will have their revenge on us come August, but now it's time to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Don't defend yourself, don't argue, you know how hard you work. Bask in the glow of the final day.
Well, enough of that. In other thoughts:
Robby swallowed the airhose. I swear he got a double-chin overnight. All of a sudden he's fat. He's Blobby. Hannah is developing cheeks as well, but Robby seriously exploded when we weren't looking. No worries...we all know how chubby Took was for a while. I don't think any of us doubt that Robby is going to be an active child. He's storing up.
And more seriously...
Am finally feeling like I can allow myself to look forward to a calmer time. Don't laugh. For me that mainly means a consistent enough bedtime routine that putting the twins down isn't like the sandbag scene at the beginning of "Raiders of the Lost Ark". It'll be 'calmer' when Steph and I can plan to watch TV or do something together when everyone's gone to bed and 1) we're not too exhausted to actually do it when the time comes, and 2) we aren't worried about being sabotaged by unexpected crying.
And I can feel that time coming. I can feel the progress, and I look forward to it. Steph and I are doing great, but there is a sort of shadow over the house, because it's an awful lot of seriousness taking care of these guys. Lightness will return.
Oh well, gotta run. More later. Maybe Steph will even post today...
Me and Michael J. Fox
6 months ago
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